In this day of the all mighty pixel count, film cameras are viewed as useless. Lucky for me they turn up more frequently in thrift stores, or Op Shops for my Aussie friends. Amongst the bins of crappy cameras there are a few hidden treasures. Often filled with "point & shoots" (even some of those can be gems, if you know what to look for) you can find some great cameras. My latest thrift store find is an Agfa Clack....
This little camera is really basic and simple, as a result is not a much of a collectors item. Built between 1954 and 1965 in Munich, Germany. It only has two shutter speeds, "B" for bulb and "M" for moment. Two apertures, "sunny" and "cloudy". Hey, what else do you need? I won't complain for $8.00.
Shot with a vintage Agfa Clack on Kodak 160VC

Shot on a vintage Agfa Clack on Fuji Acros 100
More thrift store find to come...